Elizabeth Blackwood is, if nothing else, a multipurpose writer, and a writer who is multipurposed. She tries to balance her time writing versus crafting, being outdoors, finishing her undergraduate degree, and everything else—and sometimes even succeeds in doing so.
As far as writing goes, she likes to span several genres’ worth–sometimes all within the same story, due to the belief that a good story has elements of a little bit of everything. The primary genres she tends to write in are fantasy and science fiction. Her first love, however, is medieval fantasy, and that is the realm she enjoys playing in the most. More recently, she is discovering the excitement and fun of experimenting with nuances and atmospheres of subgenres—such as gunpowder fantasy, or placing a story in a non-traditional setting, or toying with burgeoning subgenres and combining them with already known ones in new and different ways.
One day, she would love to do some work in writing some stories in a more horror or unsettling context, with such lofty dreams of genres of Northern Gothic and Dustbowl fiction.
She is always ecstatic when people show interest in all these works, and is more than happy to talk about the worlds she creates—be they decade-spanning monoliths, or a suddenly sketched out concept. She is open to questions about her worlds and story subject, as well as any part of the writing process, and encourages feedback and questions.
Probably her favorite part of the writing process—aside from when things absolutely click together—is background work and research. She is firm in the belief that for a world and story to be believable, it absolutely must have a solid foundation, and thoroughly enjoys creating that foundation just as much as the actual writing itself.
Much of impetus to write what she writes comes from the desire to read a particular type of story or setting or character… but not finding it anywhere. More and more often, the question comes up: “I wish I could read a story about This Thing, but it hasn’t been written yet.”
That is where Blackwood comes in.