And finally the holidays have settled, as has all the traveling and day job stresses they brought about. Now I can breathe a little again. With the start of January came another of the creative challenges I participated in last fall (initially mentioned in this post), and it’s just in Continue Reading
Ever Forward
September was a busy month for writing, which is the good kind of busy. I participated in a creative challenge hosted online by a friend of a friend, with the goal of coming away with a first draft manuscript for the first Wolf’s Eye short stories. I didn’t want to Continue Reading
An Overview
I have realized I’ve talked a bit about the fact that I write, and that I have a lot of projects going—at some point of the process or another—but not much about the projects themselves. While I admit, I can be something of a project and idea magpie, I also Continue Reading
Know Thyself
I suppose I should have known myself better—I have been perhaps a little too optimistic about starting and finishing a manuscript in a year. “But wait,” you say, “it’s only July! Surely there is enough time left? Surely you cannot be that slow of a writer?” Alas, I am basically Continue Reading
What’s behind the name?
Why the Longhand Writer? When I started writing years ago, my friends and I would pass notebooks back and forth to each other in class, making up stories together. None of them were outstandingly good—though we might have thought so at the time—but it paved the way for a life-long Continue Reading
the Unseen
This is a site for an author, someone who writes–and writes a lot. Probably not as much as they could, but certainly more than the average. But sometimes–a lot of times–writing isn’t always the physical, actual act of writing a story’s narrative. There are plenty of times when “writing” means Continue Reading
the Big Goal 2015
Recently, I’ve worked on focusing my goals and deciding a rudimentary order in which I want to work on things/see them finished and published. I’ve gotten it down to two different novels that I believe would make good “first novels”, and of those two, I finally settled on which I’d Continue Reading
It’s Official
Well, here it is. Not that anyone was expecting it, but it’s here regardless of any of that–an author site, for an upcoming author. Too long have I dallied on various blogging sites, where I have attempted to do something like this, but I’m turning–not a new leaf, but another Continue Reading