I mentioned this in my last post, so I want to expand upon it more. There’s this notion that I see in a lot of aspiring and active writers–including myself–that if you’re not using your free time to write, then you’re wasting your time. I like to use the metaphor Continue Reading
on writing
100-Word Rule
Or: How I Learned to Set My Own Achievable Writing Goal Two and a half years ago, I had an event completely upend my life in a not very pleasant way, which is something I’ve mentioned a couple times in this space, I realize. That basically meant that the larger Continue Reading
Short Stories: My Personal Purple Squirrel
Short stories are a beast I’m learning to tackle. A lot of times when I sit down to write out an idea, it spirals out and out and out, and all of a sudden I’ve got a novella on my hands. Other times, I work on a seed of a Continue Reading
An Update no.1
It’s been quite a few busy months for me. My day job changed, and I’ve moved to a position where I’m in charge and running the show, which isn’t anything I hadn’t already done before, but I’m in a new place and there’s been a lot of organizing and getting Continue Reading
Enter 2016
And finally the holidays have settled, as has all the traveling and day job stresses they brought about. Now I can breathe a little again. With the start of January came another of the creative challenges I participated in last fall (initially mentioned in this post), and it’s just in Continue Reading
Ever Forward
September was a busy month for writing, which is the good kind of busy. I participated in a creative challenge hosted online by a friend of a friend, with the goal of coming away with a first draft manuscript for the first Wolf’s Eye short stories. I didn’t want to Continue Reading
An Overview
I have realized I’ve talked a bit about the fact that I write, and that I have a lot of projects going—at some point of the process or another—but not much about the projects themselves. While I admit, I can be something of a project and idea magpie, I also Continue Reading
Know Thyself
I suppose I should have known myself better—I have been perhaps a little too optimistic about starting and finishing a manuscript in a year. “But wait,” you say, “it’s only July! Surely there is enough time left? Surely you cannot be that slow of a writer?” Alas, I am basically Continue Reading
the Unseen
This is a site for an author, someone who writes–and writes a lot. Probably not as much as they could, but certainly more than the average. But sometimes–a lot of times–writing isn’t always the physical, actual act of writing a story’s narrative. There are plenty of times when “writing” means Continue Reading
the Big Goal 2015
Recently, I’ve worked on focusing my goals and deciding a rudimentary order in which I want to work on things/see them finished and published. I’ve gotten it down to two different novels that I believe would make good “first novels”, and of those two, I finally settled on which I’d Continue Reading